Ahh well the sleep from the previous night was certainly not repeated last night. Emily eventually fell asleep after 11pm, woke up screaming at just after 3am and didn't fall asleep again to 07:30. spent the night moving around in our bed, crying, whinging and punching us....stressed to fuck!
It used to work putting her back into her own room, she would stay in her bed and cry herself to sleep. Now she gets straight out of bed and kicks and bangs the door, her knuckles were bleeeding yesterday after one bedroom tantrum.
seriously concsidering putting the cot bars back on....will need to get them and the surrounding walls padded though...
I know its a faze, she picks up and drops these behaviours usually quite quick...however during the long night, with no sleep, with tempers rising and stress levels at defcon 5 its an absolute nightmare....
Made worse by the fact that no how much you shout at her, when she has eventually settled she will always respond with a gorgeous, cheeky smile and a kiss....
...how guilty does that make me feel?
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